
The Excluded

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I am interested in sound in everyday life and environmental sounds. I have used them as a tool to convey the idea of making art.

This work is inspired by the disagreement idea of French philosopher Jacques Rancière. Rancière explained that in a situation of extreme political, disagreement will split apart the interlocutor. Since ones have no the identical reference frame, so one cannot understand one another’s speech. The speech of ‘the excluded’ is just only the phôné, which means nothing and meaningless.

Thus, I have interpreted the phôné with the noise, as noise is unwanted sound, other and not something ordered. By linking his thought with the current situation in my home country, Thailand, I consider how politics of noise can be identified from people’s everyday encounters with their political communities. For this work, I recorded voices and everyday conversations with acquaintances. The dialogue related to some issues, then I brought all these voices to overlap with each other in order that these voices became noises at the end.

Step by step on how I created noises inspired by Jacques Rancière’s writing

First of all, I am interested in sound in everyday life and environmental sounds so far. I have used them as a tool to convey the idea of making art. There is the political conflict in my home country, Thailand, over the past decade. I have observed the political atmosphere in Thailand for years. It is a fact that the voices of socially excluded group are meaningless.

All of these voices evoked me to the disagreement idea of French philosopher Jacques Rancière that I used to read for years ago. Rancière explained that in a situation of extreme political, disagreement will split apart the interlocutor. Since ones have no the identical reference frame, so one cannot understand one another’s speech. The speech of ‘the excluded’ is just only the ‘phôné’, which means nothing and meaningless.

Thus, I have interpreted the phôné with the noise, as ‘noise’ is unwanted sound, other and not something ordered. By linking Rancière’s thought with the current situation in my home country, I consider how politics of noise can be identified from people’s everyday encounters with their political communities.

Next step, I tried to find people interested to participate in this project. I explained them the ideas and made them appointments.

I used voice recorder to record voices and everyday conversations with the acquaintances
I copied sound files to computer
I used GarageBand, which is a software program for music creation, to create this work
I imported all sound files to GarageBand
I made all sound files overlap with each other in order that all these voices become noises

In addition, I also mixed audio tracks. If you listen, the mix was not balanced between left and right channels. This artwork is ‘noise’ that is not caused by any synthetic sound but the speech and daily conversations

Download Sound: The Excluded

This Exercise was Contributed by Piyarat Piyapongwiwat.

This exercise was contributed by Piyarat Piyapongwiwat (http://www.piyaratpiyapongwiwat.com/).

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